Scott Guberman – Episode 14
Season 1, Episode 14 Scott GubermanI sought out music that was drug oriented. I first found mostly British bands like Cream, The Moody Blues, and The Who. That’s what I’d hear mostly on local classic rock station, & I dug it, but when I found the Dead I was like ‘wow...
John Lovero – Episode 13
Season 1, Episode 13 John LoveroBeing in bands is like being in a marriage. You’re around each other a lot, you know exactly what makes each other tick, and what makes them happy. Nothing’s always perfect, your thoughts don’t always match & line up. But, what you do...
Jay Lane – Episode 12
Season 1, Episode 12 Jay LaneIf there’s ever music that comes in your head just let it come & wash over you & then later on when you’re playing music, you’ll know what you were hunting for. It may not be specific melodies or rhythms but more of the remember the...
David Gans – Episode 11
Season 1, Episode 11 David GansI had to learn step by step to not be ruled by emotions, to stop, grab the emotion aggressively & address it. I learned how to negotiate my emotions instead of just letting ‘em escalate.Hosts & Guests David Gans Tam Integration...
Johanna Warren – Episode 10
Season 1, Episode 10 Johanna WarrenI was really sick & sad & the drugs that doctors threw at me were only making things worse. My friend introduced me to mushrooms & it completely reawakened my awareness of magic. Humans are inherently connected to the...
Sunshine Becker – Episode 9
Season 1, Episode 9 Sunshine BeckerI’ve felt like I’m high on psychedelics just by being immersed in it...for me the door’s been opened so I don’t necessarily need to ingest the chemicals. If I’m around other people on psychedelics, it’s really easy for me to tap...
Dango Rose – Episode 8
Season 1, Episode 8 Dango RoseThe qualities of an empowered artist are belief and being able to recognize yourself for the uniqueness that you bring, finding what that is, accentuating the positive and finding the joy & meaningfulness in collaboration. Hosts &...
Tony Moss – Episode 7
Season 1, Episode 7 Tony MossI was in this one ceremony where the room was kind of stoic. Nothing dramatic or significant seemed to be happening...until this song played where the chorus lyrics were “dear me, I forgive you,” and the WHOLE room started balling! The...
Mark Karan – Episode 6
Season 1, Episode 6 Mark Karan“Playing music is (one of) the only places where I feel myself, & I feel unthreatened, & I don’t hafta impress...I feel connected to the flow of my spirit & connected to joy.”Hosts & Guests Mark Karan Tam Integration...
Santiparro – Episode 5
Season 1, Episode 5 SantiparroIt started with a knighting...the archangel who turned out to be Michael knighted me. The other angel who was speaking to me turned out to be Gabriel...and after that when I’d go to write music and it was like...messages that I wasn’t yet...